
Https options command


https options command

What each gem command does, and how to use it. The best way to build a gem is to use a Rakefile and the Gem::PackageTask which ships with RubyGems. The listing can be given as full file names, file names without the installed directory prefix or https the files that are requireable. For local https only the reverse dependencies can be shown which gems depend on the named gem. The RubyGems environment can be controlled through command line arguments, gemrc files, environment variables and built-in defaults. These files are YAML files with the following YAML keys: :sources: A YAML array of remote gem repositories to install gems from :verbose: Verbosity of the gem command. The given directory will be the directory you serve as the gem repository. It is used to ensure compatibility. Useful for command packages. For gems with executables ruby installs a wrapper file into the executable directory by default. This can be overridden with the —no-wrappers option. The wrapper allows you to choose among alternate gem versions using version. If no explicit file is given RubyGems attempts to find one https the current directory. NOTE: Enabling automatic discovery on multiuser systems can lead to execution of arbitrary command when used from directories https your control. If an extension fails to compile during gem installation the gem specification is not written out, but the gem remains unpacked in the repository. The —details option displays additional command including the summary, the homepage, the author, the locations of different versions of the gem. It will specify exact versions in the requirements list to ensure that the gems loaded will always be consistent. A full recursive search of all effected gems will be generated. Notice that rails only requires that rake or better be used. Rake is the most recent version installed that satisfies that, so we lock it down to the exact version. You can check for dependency mismatches using the dependency command and update the gems with the update or install commands. The owner of a gem has the permission to push new versions, yank existing versions or edit https HTML page options the gem. Be careful of who you give push permission to. If you have made modifications to an installed gem, the pristine command will revert them. All extensions are rebuilt and all bin stubs for the gem are regenerated after checking for modifications. The gem can be removed from the index but only options index using the yank command. For further discussion see the help for the yank command. The —details option displays additional details from the gem but will take a little longer to complete as it must download the information individually from the index. This guide will help you update command sources or configure yourself to use your own gem server. If you have sources you do not recognize you options remove them. Since all of these sources point to the same set of gems you only need one of them in your list. RubyGems will ask for confirmation if you are attempting to uninstall a gem that is a dependency of an existing gem. You can use the —ignore-dependencies option to skip this check. See the build command help for an example. The update command does not remove the previous version. Use the cleanup command to remove old versions. You can use the which command to help determine why you are requiring a version you did not expect or to look at the content of a file you are requiring to see why it does not behave as you expect. Once you have pushed a gem several downloads will happen automatically via the webhooks. If you accidentally pushed passwords or other sensitive data you will need to change them immediately and yank your gem. Be sure to mention this as the reason for the removal request. Instantly publish your gems and install them. Use the API to interact and find out more information about available gems. Become a options and options the site with your own changes Supported by Ruby Central Hosted by Blue Box Designed by DockYard Resolved with DNSimple Optimized by New Relic Tracking by Command Monitored by Runscope Gems served by Fastly. https options command

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