
Unrelated diversification strategy advantages and disadvantages


unrelated diversification strategy advantages and disadvantages

This preview pages 4—7. Sign up to view the full content. This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. Download the iOS app. Download the Android app. Journal of Marketing - Networked Narratives Understanding Word of Mouth Marketing in Online Communit. International Journal of Market Research diversification Tackling health inequalities using geodemographics a soci. This preview shows document pages 4 - 7. Sign up to view the full document. Find Study Resources Main Menu by School by Subject by Book Literature Study Guides Infographics. Ask a Tutor a Question. View Flashcards Create Flashcards. Assignment 2 Business Strategy. Disadvantages of unrelated diversification having. SCHOOL Loyola Marymount COURSE TITLE ACC TYPE Essay. The first one is since we are now dealing with new product line, our main basic product will be harmed since we now focusing on developing the new product line. Sometimes it might lead to unbalanced partition. Secondly, having unrelated diversification. Limited Growth Limited Growth is divided into 3 sub components diversification are: Market Penetration, Product Development and Market Development. Market Advantages According to Businessdictionary. If the company able to expand the production line by using market penetration, it will have resulted to a low prices against competitors which means that customers will be attracted easily and by this the company can growth quickly also. Economic Advantages, if the company able to run market penetration strategy in the right track, there will be economic advantages occurs. Low prices that guarantee the base growth, it means that we can increase the quantity of the product, furthermore it creates more productions sells in unrelated market while advantages high amount of profit. Disadvantage of Market Penetration Unable to meet production cost. As a small business, it is hard to produce a product that is tend to be luxurious while we need to tighten the production cost. In the other word, it will be very complicated for small companies to deal with this kind unrelated thing rather than a large company. If the company made a product that is used to be in A Grade Quality then the company decided to apply this market penetration strategy into the production, it might bring strategy image for the company since the company will tighten the budget and replace the raw materials they have been using into a advantages cheaper one. Meaning that quality is not being prioritize in this segment but the company profit is being confront first. Where the company added additional benefits for the customers. Advantages of Product Development Disadvantages in tunes on what customers demanding. Since we are developing our product into a greater level, we able to keep in track and improving on what our customers wanted to, in fact, disadvantages can use this product development based on what our customers wanted us to changed in, some kinds of observations and comments would be a major thing in product development. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. TERM Spring and PROFESSOR devine Click to edit the document details. Share this link with a friend: Most Popular Documents for ACC 12 pages. Study on the go Download and iOS app Download the Android app. Other Related Materials 20 pages. Journal of Marketing - The Marketing of Social Causes. Journal of Marketing - Effects of Word-of-Mouth Versus Traditional Marketing. Disadvantages of Unrelated Diversification Having unrelated Create a FREE account now to get started. The email diversification you entered is not valid. The email address you disadvantages is already in use. Your username must be at least 5 characters. Your username must consist of only alphanumeric characters. Your username must contain at least one letter. Another user has already claimed this username. Your username contains inappropriate language. Your password must be at least 6 characters unrelated length. I'm not currently a student By creating an account you agree to our Privacy PolicyTerms of Useand Honor Code. Create my FREE account Processing I am currently a: Student Former Student Educator Course Hero educators are professors, teachers, instructors, lecturers, and tutors at institutions across the world—including universities, community colleges, vocational schools, and strategy schools. By creating an account you agree to our Privacy PolicyTerms of Useand Honor Code. Strategy Up with Google. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Ask a homework question - tutors are online. unrelated diversification strategy advantages and disadvantages

Strategy 101 - Session 6: Diversification (including BCG matrix)

Strategy 101 - Session 6: Diversification (including BCG matrix)

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